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Thesis writing course

Welcome to our dissertation writing video courses, where you can benefit from the latest techniques and expert tips to excel in academic writing. Click here to explore our courses

You can also join groups to ask your questions to other members.

In our lessons we offer:

All the latest tools help you write your research efficiently.

Full exploitation of modern technologies

Learn how to integrate AI tools and modern writing techniques to enhance your dissertation writing process and save time.

Writing without quotation

Understand the importance of plagiarism testing and how to ensure the originality of your work using the latest software.

Under the supervision of specialists in the field

Discover expert tips and techniques to boost your dissertation writing skills and produce high-quality, impactful content.

The theoretical part of the thesis preparation course

In the video provided below, you can learn about all the topics we covered in the course.

The course includes the basic topics in the writing process, while addressing sensitive and critical points in writing that are not provided in university curricula.

Our experience in the field has enabled us to identify the weaknesses and problems that the student may encounter when the deadline for submitting the memorandum approaches.

Which enabled us to create a course that will arm the student to confront the problems of plagiarism and other problems of deadlines and coordination.

To enter the course, all you have to do is fill out the form and pay the registration fees below using Al-Dhahabia or CIB.


Why you are in safe hands





Years of experience

Student participating in the course

Between the theses and notes we worked on

Satisfaction rate


Towards unlimited horizons

In our dissertation writing courses, we pride ourselves on empowering students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in academic writing.

Our mission is to revolutionize the approach to dissertation writing through innovative methods and expert guidance.

Contact us

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For more questions, please visit us on Facebook and Instagram pages.

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